Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Honoring Marcia Paige's 50th Birthday | Memorial Fundraiser

Marcia Paige


That was the mantra that my sister, Marcia Paige, lived her life by, rooted in the Bible verse, Proverbs 27:17. If you ever conversed with her, received an email or were simply in her presence, you would have definitely heard her say, "Keep it sharp!"

Marcia made her heavenly transition in 2013 and left a remarkable legacy behind; a legacy that encourages others to be accountable to and for one another.  She also carried the mindset, "Be the victor, not the victim!"

Since that year, her family has started Keep It Sharp Services, an organization that embodies her legacy by providing spaces to be healed - physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Today - November 27th - would have been Marcia's 50th birthday!  Those who knew her are FULLY aware that she didn't do anything on a small scale!  In honor of her birthday, we are setting out to raise enough funds to provide 50 women with FREE mammogram screenings.  These underserved - and often uninsured - women are in need of this service in an effort to detect breast cancer at an early stage.

We will be joining our long-time partner, THE ROSE, a non-profit organization that provides amazing preventative care services to women.  We'd like for you to support this effort by donating any amount you can.  You can donate by clicking HERE and completing the short donation form.  Please make sure that you check the box that says this is a 'TRIBUTE GIFT' in MEMORY OF: MARCIA PAIGE.

By following the above instructions to give, you will help us keep track of our goal to raise the total amount of $7,500 over the course of the next year.  We will then ensure that you receive a mid-year and final report on November 27, 2021 with the total amount of mammogram screenings we were able to provide.  Your contribution is tax deductible and you will receive a receipt from THE ROSE for your annual donation for income tax purposes. 

We thank you for your consideration and any gift that you can give!  We will continue to keep Marcia's legacy alive by providing women with quality preventative healthcare through early detection.

In the meantime, KEEP IT SHARP!

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Honoring Marcia Paige's 50th Birthday | Memorial Fundraiser

Marcia Paige "KEEP IT SHARP" That was the mantra that my sister, Marcia Paige, lived her life by, rooted in the Bible verse, Prove...